Saturday, January 2, 2010

Specialty Canes What Does A Nephrologist Do? What Does An Endocronologist Do?

What does a Nephrologist do? What does an Endocronologist do? - specialty canes

My neurosurgeon gave me on each of them and want to know what their specialty. I had back surgery a year ago in January and had more complications during the operation. I have grown from surgery, legs, feet and ankles RSD are at least 5 times its normal size. We have tried to water pills, including furosemide, hydrochlorothiazide, etc., and none of them helped. Now the only way to get around on a walker or a cane, and even with the use is, the pain is terrible. I take 4 medications, in addition to the pain with an implanted pump in last January, which I morphine directly into the pump. I'm getting better. The pain is much worse. They talk about the change in medication in my pump Dilaudin that supposedly stronger than morphine. The swelling has started to its feet up into the big pockets. The worst is behind the knee and it is almost impossible, all seated. Please someone help me!

1 comment:

Chez said...

A nephrologist is a physician who had been educated and trained kidney disease, kidney transplantation and dialysis.

Endocrinologists are trained to help in the diagnosis and treatment of hormonal problems, restoring the normal balance of hormones in your system.

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