Friday, February 12, 2010

Physical Therapy Miserable Malalignment 30 Wks Preggo And Miserable With Pain! When Will Dr.'s Do Something?!?

30 wks preggo and miserable with pain! When will dr.'s do something?!? - physical therapy miserable malalignment

I have placenta previa, which did not cause a problem, although I keep hearing that could cause a premature birth. I started with contractions and they are hard and painful, but they come at random, and only a few times a day. I had back pain since the beginning of pregnancy and worse. I finally will begin physical therapy next week, unless approved my insurance, but I am absolutely miserable. I was on painkiller Tylenol 3 ultram first and now 4 times a day, but the dr. it is I want to stop taking them - but when I retire, I'm afraid it will not be able to move. When dr. 'S taking this seriously? I believe that something was wrong with me and / or child, especially because I also started with more pain betwein the legs and abdomen, but they tell me is correct. What can you do? And how can I be taken seriously??


Anonymous said...

I believe that you will experience pain as early in pregnancy. I would try to take pain killers second time ... and see what happens. It would suck as you have to suffer ... But the baby also. You want to get a second opinion and to change together Drs. If you do not want to change doctors, ask them what could be done to verify the pain. You might think it's Braxton Hicks ... This is normal and is sensitive to pain. Talk about physical therapy for my back? Have you on the back is wrong? Some women use to help stomach pain. Bed rest is perhaps would help .... Sorry, that through the pain to go .. but we want your baby out safely .. Therefore, we should more carefully .. Drugs and a second opinion about the pain. If onlyKidney problems? Good luck .. I hope you will find all the comfort for you and your children.

Anonymous said...

Be direct. Say It's your job to listen, sit down, shut up and listen. Talk to your concerns. If you still do not "taken seriously", then go for a second opinion.

Frankly, I can not sharp, and go into the situation and stay in bed is not quite my thing, but I have 8 weeks to make, and I will do almost my boxers.

The doctor will arrange to wait as long as possible before examining you. Believe me, the pain for a few weeks is better than the birth of a baby too early.

So, you think about the whole situation, and take an hour to an hour if necessary.

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